Facilities and Maintenance » Vandelism Alert

Vandelism Alert

Every taxpayer desires to have tax money purchases last as long as possible. Vandalism is a crime which eats away at everyone's tax dollars. The repair of property is in many cases more expensive than original construction cost. At the very least, vandalism causes duplication of the original expense. Vandalism can be as serious as a building break-in and destruction of property or as minor as an open water faucet, but all vandalism is a terrible waste of funds. You can help preserve your school district property and your tax dollars by reporting vandalism.

If you happen upon an act of vandalism, we would appreciate your phone call.

979-401-1081 during business hours
979-401-1084 after hours

If you witness vandalism in progress during school hours, call:

979-401-1100 (Bay City High School)
979-401-1120 (Bay City I.S.D. Police)

If you witness vandalism in progress after school hours, call:

979-245-8500 (Bay City Police Department)