Transportation » Student Address of Record

Student Address of Record

The only address that Bay City ISD Transportation will use for assigning a bus route is the address of record with the District. Students will not be routed to a different address at any time. The only exceptions to this is students may be routed to a Grandparent’s address. This address must also be noted by the school in their registration software. In those cases the student will be routed to that address only and will be expected to ride to that address on a daily basis. We do not allow students to ride to an address on certain days and another address on different days. 

When registering online, you will note we are not asking for an address. Our software automatically gets this information from the Student Registration Software. This is the only address we will use for routing. If the address the school has as the home of record is not correct, or you move, the address must be changed at the school.

If you change your address at the school, we need 48 hours to allow our system to update and to make the route change effective. Students whose addresses change will not be able to ride the new route until the change is made in our system.